Dear Friends of Scouting in Europe
Dear Super Friends,
A short update with: new format of the Newsletter, positive developments in Romania and UK, and a question to all concerning Roverway.
1) FOSE Newsletter
The FOSE newsletter was sent out on 24 May in the new format (with photos).
Please let me have any feedback, improvements, comments so that we can improve for the next editions. We will also have statistics on how many recipients opened the email etc.
2) Results from Romania
Bianca arranged a very beautiful FOSE reception with the Romanian Scouts this weekend, on the occasion of the WOSM Educational Methods Forum in Bucharest. Photos have been published on Facebook here:
13 Romanian FOSE were welcomed: 9 were present and 4 were announced. This brings Romania to an impressive total of 18 FOSE. Remembering that we recognised 2 Romanians in Madrid. Well done Bianca and Romania!
Bianca will have reached the 10 recruitments, and becomes SuperFriend for Romania. Congratulations!
We also welcomed 12 FOSE from among the participants of the Forum, from the following countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, “Europe”, Finland (1 annual + 1 Life), Netherlands, Portugal (Life), Slovenia (2), UK (1 annual + 1 Life).
So, in total, 3 Life and 22 Annual FOSE. And the other participants who did not join this time will now have heard about FOSE, hopefully making them more likely to join in the future.
3) Update UK
Alan has just issued the FOSE UK Newsletter.
As you can see, the UK list of donors is growing, and there will be the (now traditional) UK FOSE reception on Saturday 8 September at 12:30, during the Gilwell Reunion.
4) Roverway: FOSE reception on Sunday 29 July
As you have seen in the FOSE Newsletter, we are preparing for a FOSE reception on Sunday 29 July at 17:00.
There is a small Dutch team in place and I will be travelling there for the weekend 27-29 July. We hope to circulate the invitation sheet this week.
Could you please let me know if:
– you are planning to participate in, or would be free to come to, Roverway on the weekend 27-29 July ?
– you would agree to contact the contingent team of your country, to encourage them to join FOSE at Roverway ? It will be an important event for the Heads of contingents and their teams, so they might be willing to make the occasion special by joining FOSE at Roverway.
Kind regards,