Dear Friends of Scouting in Europe
Since 2009, Walter Hofstetter has been an extremely committed treasurer of the ESF. During this time, he took care of the finances very carefully, invested the funds of the European Scout Foundation, European Investment Fund and European Leader Training Fund profitably and thus significantly increased the assets. He was also successful in recruiting new FOSE and personally co-financed many projects.
Walter has also always made sure that the contact details of the FOSE were up-to-date – and less pleasant for them, but important for the ESF, demanded outstanding contributions.
After having been intensively involved for so long and far beyond his duty, he has now decided to resign. We are indebted to Walter for his many years of intensive work and wish him all the best.
We have the great joy to announce that a new Board member has been elected. We had the difficult choice among many very highly qualified candidates.
A lot of you will know Johan Strid, who has been Secretary General for scouts in Sweden, in the European Scout Committee as well as a number of other positions on local, national, regional and global level. He has a broad background in scouting, civil society, business and politics in Europe and is used to managing wide networks. He is since long a Life Friend and also a BP Fellow.
Johan will especially help support the Country Coordinators and be the contact person on the Board. Professionally he is at present Director of The Ocean Race Summits, which means that he is responsible for the global lobbying efforts The Ocean Race are doing for a healthy ocean.
Welcome in this new position!
Yours in Scouting,
Vivian Fankhauser-Feitknecht
Call for Annual Donations
We want to invite to make the annual donation. Please help us by paying early if you can: early payment reduces the administrative work with reminders.
Some Annual Friends have set up in their online bank the option “repeat this payment every year”. This can be a good way to make the annual donation automatically. You are also always welcome to switch to Lifetime Friend (2000€) and not worry about annual payments any more.
Amount of the annual donation: 150€ per year (75€ if you are under 30)
How to make the donation:
1) by Credit card via PayPal MAKE THE PAYMENT HERE
2) By bank transfer:
IBAN: CH26 0024 0240 6058 6470 F
Communication: Friends of Scouting in Europe, Name & Country of the donor
3) National FOSE payment systems: Please contact your Country Coordinator for information (in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK)