FOSE-UK Donation Update

FOSE Friends Donations

The pandemic and the resultant influence over the past two years has changed all our lives in many ways. We are now dealing with what many are calling the new normal – and it is clear that we need now to get on with our lives, taking any necessary precautions that we each may feel appropriate. 

Those of us, having survived Covid, are now facing the challenges caused by the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. And those challenges are affecting all of our lives across the whole continent of Europe. It is therefore more important than ever that we renew our support to FOSE enabling the European Scout Foundation to give more grants to projects to support the actions being undertaken by many, many of our Friends. 

May I ask that you continue with your donation of £150 as a Friend of Scouting in Europe and consider adding a little more to support our friends/Scouts in Ukraine and throughout those countries close to Ukraine. Plus add Gift Aid, if possible, through the Eric Frank Trust.

We encourage our Life Friends to make a donation to this appeal in the same way as our annual friends.

Please make cheques payable to “The Eric Frank Trust” and send to:
Alan K B Beavis OBE, 48 Barley Fields, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 1AJ
Or by bank transfer to The Eric Frank Trust
National Westminster Bank Plc. Account no 6268 3241. Sort code 55-50-39
If you prefer to pay online (payment available in Euros)

You can find out how the European Scout Foundation is supporting projects on their website