Congratulations to John May
A FOSE-UK friend, who has been appointment as a Deputy Lord Lieutenant in Oxfordshire and will assist in the role of representing Her Majesty the Queen in the county.
Along with a number of formal tasks, the deputies will help to encourage and support all positive contributions to community life in Oxfordshire, particularly from volunteering activity.
John May is the Secretary General of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, a teacher and youth worker, he has spent his career working with and for young people in the United Kingdom and around the world. He is a national trustee of The Marine Society and Sea Cadets and chairs the trustees of Oxfordshire Scouts. He volunteers with Charity Mentors, Oxfordshire and is a visiting lecturer in education at Oxford Brookes University. In 2008, he received The Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion in recognition of his long-standing dedication to enterprise education.
2018 Annual Subscription
We wish to advise friends that their 2018 annual subscription £140 can be paid by cheque or bank transfer or online.
Please make cheques payable to “The Eric Frank Trust” and send to: Alan K B Beavis OBE Hatherly The Street Mortimer, Reading RG7 3PB
Or by bank transfer to The Eric Frank Trust.
National Westminster Bank Plc. Account no 6268 3241.
Sort code 55 – 50 – 39
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*Please note that if you pay in this way FOSE will not have the advantage of being able to benefit from gift aid through HM Revenue and Customs.
Please email with the date and amount transferred so that we can match up the payment.
If you are a UK tax payer, please complete a gift aid declaration in favour of the Eric Frank Trust; this increases the value of your payment at no further cost to you. If you have already signed a declaration in favour of the Eric Frank Trust you don’t need to do so again.
European Scout Foundation projects
Below are just a few of the many projects which are seeking funding, for more information go to
Astronomy camp for scouts: Educate a group of 60 scouts about the basics of astronomy. Learn to orient in nature during night using a stars. Educate to successfully overcome the necessary requirements for “Astronomer” badge. Popularise science within scouts to contribute to the implementation of the scouts mission.
Leave no trace camp – Poland: At the core of these camp will be the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace. It is important to learn and practice Leave No Trace skills for every single outdoor activity. We will try to take care about natural environment as much as possible during the camp to teach leave no trace rules to let scouts be awareness.
Supporting the Integration and Capacity Building of Roma Scouts in Scouting Slovakia: To help the integration and to build capacities of Roma Scouts within the Scouting Slovakia. Supporting and mentoring the scout patrol leaders within Roma community by creating a tailored programme for a summer camp through several steps.