As we return to the new normal after three years of change due to Covid, let us accept the new challenges called dues the situation in Ukraine .
Your kind donation to the European Scout Foundation is needed now more than before with the increased applications for grant aid to Scouting in Eastern Europe.
May I invite whose how give annual donations to FOSE now send theirs either via the UK Co-Ordinator or direct.
You will have received direct to your email box the ESF newsletter March 2023 from the Chairman Vivian. If not contact me to check your details on web mailing list. I hope you have noted the changes to the board and we thank Bianco for her support to us at our Gilwell bases and receptions especially that in 2019, together with Agnieszka Posiszyi.
We welcome to Milena Pecarski from Serbia.
The death of our beloved Queen in September last year caused the postponement of our reception with the Speaker of the House of Commons in Westminster. We are looking at alternative dates with Lindsey in October and would welcome support from you all, as it gives us an opportunity to sell the Friends of Scouting Europe to the newer leaders in the UK.
Gilwell 2023 is now live and we again have an opportunity to promote ourselves and the support we offer to Scouting in Eastern Europe. Would you like to join the FOSE Team and help us over the weekend at our exhibitor’s base and Reception!